SDU Longsword Tournament 2022

The Southport Swords are hosting the Sword Dance Union Longsword tournament and AGM in Southport on Saturday 8th October 2022.

Signing on will be at The Guest House pub on Union Street from 10.30 – refreshments available.

This will be followed by warm up tours between 11.30 and14.00, 3 spots within 5 minute walking distance of Lord Street.

The tournament followed by the AGM will be at the Scarisbrick Hotel on Lord Street from 15.00.

There is the option to compete or display.

We will also be hosting Speelschaar Ossaart, a sword team from Belgium.

Here is the day’s programme:

The agenda for the AGM can be found here.

If you intend to attend please contact us as soon as you can, so that we can enhance your Longsword experience

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